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A visit to the manga-museum

Autorenbild: kira in japan kira in japan

Aktualisiert: 7. Feb. 2020

皆さん, こんにちは! Minasan, konnichiwa! Hello everyone! 🌸

Today was my first day of vacation and it started with a delicious breakfast at Hibi Coffee and a chapter from Sherlock Holmes.

After that, I actually wanted to go directly to the Manga Museum, but when I left the Hibis it was suddenly raining and after a short while I was completely soaked. 💧

So instead of driving to the Manga Museum, I went back home to have a shower and change clothes. However, shortly before I arrived, a man came running after me to give me an umbrella. At first, I didn't want to accept it because I was almost at home and already completely wet, but since he insisted, I accepted it. That was really nice from him! 🙈

As for umbrellas, there is a peculiarity that I have read about.

"With umbrellas, many tourists and foreign students have already made bad experiences. If you put an umbrella in the designated umbrella stand, a few minutes later will be gone. In Japan, there are "umbrella thieves", which keeps surprising tourists, as Japan is often called one of the safest countries in the world, and Japanese people are generally considered polite and cautious! Japanese behavioral researchers explain: In Japan, umbrellas are not considered as valuables, but rather as a public good that anyone can take. If someone has no umbrella and suddenly finds himself in pouring rain, he takes the next best one. If you place your umbrella in an umbrella stand, you just have to know that you make it available to the general public." (You can find the complete article about that here)

But now back to my day: After I warmed up at home, I went to the Manga Museum. There I wanted to be drawn in an anime style.

The advantage of going there today was: Because of the Kansai Culture Day the admission was free. 🎉

The disadvantage: I had to wait for 3 hours.

To kill time, I did a little tour through the museum and had a coffee in a café. ☕

Compared to the waiting time, the drawing went really fast. After only 10 minutes, the picture was finished. It was still a strange feeling just sitting there and doing nothing while someone was looking at you all the time. 😅

Already about 2 1/2 years ago I got a drawing from the Manga Museum. Here you can see the two pictures:

Now the day is almost over and I will go to bed soon because I have some plans for tomorrow and I want to get up a little earlier. I hope the weather plays along and it does not start to rain again.

次回まで! Jikai made! See you next time. 💕



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