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Daily-Live Update

Autorenbild: kira in japan kira in japan

皆さん, こんにちは! Minasan, konnichiwa! Hello, everyone! 🌸

I thought I should give you a little update regarding my internship, learning Japanese and my everyday life in general. 🙈

As you may now during my time in Japan I am doing an internship at the NPO JARFO, which has various galleries. As you may saw already on the pictures of the day, one of these galleries is currently moving. 📦

From the JARFO Kyoto Garo we are moving to the Kyoto Wang Inter-Art Museum. It was founded in 2018 and the director of this art gallery is Wang Chung Il. Wang Chung Il is originally from Korea and his Japanese name is Oh Seiichi. He has had a great interest in art since his youth and therefore has a large art collection that contains around a thousand works. The intention to share this collection with the public was the motivation to found the Kyoto Wang Inter-Art Museum. Since Mr. Wang is an international collector, he not only owns artworks from Japanese or Korean artists, but also by European and American ones. Therefor the word "Inter-Art" (in Japanese: 藝 際 Geisai) is an important term for the museum.

The Kyoto Society for Inter-Art Exchange (JARFO) is responsible for the administration of the museum.

The museum also works with the Gyeongnam Art Museum in South Korea. The reason for this: on the one hand, the museum director Mr. Wang comes from Gyeong-Sang-Nam-Do and on the other hand, JARFO has been working with the museum in an international exchange project for some time.

So last week we started moving. We started by packing everything. That included, for example, works of art, documents, and many, many books. Packing also involved sorting out things that are no longer needed. These things made a really big bunch.

We then spent Saturday and Sunday bringing all the things to the museum and thanks to the help of some artists, we were done pretty quick, but it was really exhausting. As a "reward" for the hard work, we always ate something delicious in the evening. 😋

Now the gallery is practically empty and I guess that on Wednesday we will start to unpack everyting at the Kyoto Wang Inter-Art Museum.

The JARFO Kyoto Garo will then be closed and no longer belong to our galleries, but the other galleries will remain. Below I will write you a list which those are and where they can be found. 😉

After my internship, I usually learn Japanese. 📝

It's really not easy and I'm not progressing as fast as I hoped, but I will continue to do my best!

Here is an example of what I am doing: I am writing an internship diary. In the beginning, I only wrote it in English, then short key points in Japanese, but now I write a small, coherent text every day. Of course, I am not yet able to simply write it because I often lack the right vocabulary, but I then look it up and learn it afterward. This way you can learn vocabulary that you can use in everyday life or that you can use to talk about your everyday life.

What else I use and do to learn Japanese, I will tell you step-by-step, because on Friday I will finally open the category "learn-stuff" and start to regularly upload tips and ways to learn Japanese,

Maybe there are a few here who are interested. So: stay tuned! 😉

次回まで! Jikai made! See you next time! 💕

JARFO Galerien:



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