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My diary

Autorenbild: kira in japan kira in japan

Aktualisiert: 7. Feb. 2020

皆さん, こんにちは! Minasan, konnichiwa! Hello everyone! 🌸

To be honest, there isn't something exciting that I could tell about this day, because nothing much has happened. I just used the day to sleep a lot. 😴

For the rest of the time I have been working on documenting my stay here.

On the one hand I use this blog and on the other hand I write kind of diary.

To be honest, writing a diary has never been my thing. I have always had too little stamina, but since I write this book not only for me but also for my 3 friends from school, I have the motivation to regularly write entries.

Together, we graduated from high school this year and now each of us is in a different part of the world. 🍀

Since everyone has their own life and experiences a lot of new things, each one of us has received a book in which we want to capture our experiences, impressions and developments. Once we have all returned home, we can use the books to remember our time abroad and update ourselves on what happened in the year after school.

Of course, we keep us up to date on social media, but to sit down and to take the time to write a whole text is still different. You can review your experiences and let your thoughts run free.

After all the writing and a delicious burger for dinner, it went to bed again and after a few episodes of "Angel's Last Mission: Love" I went to the land of dreams. 🌙

As I said, there was not much going on today, but let's face it: everyone needs sometimes such a day of relaxation, right? 🙈

次回まで! Jikai made! See you next time. 💕



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