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My internship at JARFO

Autorenbild: kira in japan kira in japan

皆さん, こんにちは! Minasan, konnichiwa! Hello everyone! 🌸

I have been in Kyoto for two weeks now. Right now you still don't know what I'm doing here, but I'll let you know that now. 😉

For the next 9 months I will do an internship at the non-profit organization "Kyoto Society for Inter-Art Exchange" (JARFO).

JARFO has five different galleries with regular exhibitions. During my internship, I will be supporting staff and completing various tasks in these galleries. These include, for example, the maintenance of the website or the installation and dismantling of exhibitions.

JARFO is also involved in the international exchange project "Art Rainbow Project. That is a project between Kyoto and Rostock, where the artists visit the other city and become creative there. The host country changes annually, and in October Artists from Germany will come to Kyoto. I am curious about what will happen during this time. The project will be finished after two weeks and there will be an exhibition where you can see the corresponding works.

But the internship is not the only thing I want to do here. I am also particularly interested in the language. At the moment the communication in Japanese is not working so well, but I hope that I will quickly get used to the foreign language and that I will be soon able to use it confidently.

I also want to get to know the different sides of the country. Not only do I want to see how people are living in Japan, but I also want to lead my own life here as I learn more about the history and traditions.

I also hope to meet new people who will accompany me on my journey and will inspire me for my future life.

Let's see who I'm going to meet. 🙈

次回まで! Jikai made! See you next time. 💕



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