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The language-exchange

Autorenbild: kira in japan kira in japan

Aktualisiert: 7. Feb. 2020

皆さん, こんにちは! Minasan, konnichiwa! Hello everyone! 🌸

I think I told you that I contacted two people who want to learn German and speak Japanese themselves through a Language Exchange Board at the university. I met one of them today. We got along really great and I think we'll see each other more often in the future. 🙈

Her name is Asuka, she is 21 years old and studied in Germany for one year. That's why her German is really good and I don't know if I can help her to learn more, but I hope that she can still support me.

But today we didn't meet to learn together. We first made an appointment to drink coffee, to chat a little and get to know each other and I would say that went well. 🎉

Previously, I spent my day at the Murin-An garden. It is really beautiful and since the weather was great, I could enjoy a small walk through the garden. 🌞

Also, I spent my evening near the garden, because there is the Art Forum, which belongs to JARFO, the organization where I do my internship. We celebrated the exhibition of Keisuke Torio with delicious food and nice guests. He exhibited various photographs under the title "The Gentle Sun to You - Piece of Hope". Regarding that he writes:

"Where a heart belongs and where a family is, are pieces of hope. Although wishing to keep this moment in a photograph forever, the reality takes me to an idea, “There is no forever.” The reality is a story in the past, where you can never be back. I am sympathetic to the pain of such incomplete photographs. That is why they are very fascinating to me. People are as incomplete as photographs and live their lives with a hole in their heart. I try to face the presence of photographs while covering the pain and hollow, and someday, wishing for the gentle sun to brighten where you are."

My evening ended at the BDY. That is a small bar close to my place and the people there are really nice and I get along great with them. Another time I will introduce them to you in more detail. 😉

次回まで! Jikai made! See you next time. 💕



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