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The flight

Autorenbild: kira in japan kira in japan

皆さん, こんにちは! Minasan, konnichiwa! Hello everyone! 🌸

Flying alone for the first time. That's one thing that certainly not only I have great respect for. I was so nervous when I said goodbye to my mom and went to the gate. Alone. Now the time had come and there was so way back, only the way to the plane. And this is exactly what I went for now.

The biggest panic on my trip came over me when had to change my flight in Dubai. When I couldn't find my flight number on the connecting flights' board, I became restless. Luckily, it turned out that I had just overlooked it and after another five minutes had passed, I finally discovered the ad that told me the gate on which my flight to Osaka was going.

All I had to do now was to find the way to the gate. That needed a long time because the airport was so big that it took a train ride and countless escalators to get there. Luckily, I still had enough time to freshen up. After brushing my teeth the journey continued.

After a total of 17 hours, the plane landed in Osaka.

But as soon as I arrived in Japan, I already broke the first rule.

After two nice girls helped me to find the train that would take me to Kyoto, I had to let Jo Ishida know when I would get there, as he wanted to pick me up from the train station. The problem was, that normally the people in Japan do not make a call during a ride on a bus or train, to not disturb the people around you.

Since I did not know what else to do, I guiltily dealt Jo Ishida's number.

I don't know if the call had bothered anyone, but to avoid attracting attention, I preferred to leave my phone silent after the call.

After 1 1/2 hours drive I arrived at the destination of my trip: Kyoto. The place where I would spend the next 9 months.

Since my arrival, almost two weeks have passed. In the following posts, you can see how my life looks like here. 😉

次回まで! Jikai made! See you next time. 💕



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