Here I will inform you about my journey and my experiences.
Traveling in the time of Corona
Tokyo and Kawaguchi-ko
A Tea Ceremony in a Kimono
Sento - Visit to a public bath
Interview in the Japanese Radio
Japanese Dishes and Snacks
The Sakura-Time
Japanese series and songs
Kyoto Station
Kifune Jinja
My trip to Ōtsu
Temples and shrines
Ume-Hanami (Plum-Blossom-Sightseeing)
This is the best way to shop in Japan
Valentine's Day
That´s how I am learning Japanese
Kyoto University of Art and Design - degree show
The japanese script
Daily-Live Update
Tōka Ebisu & Fukuzasa
New Year in Japan
Christmas in Japan
Winter in Japan
Trampen in Japan
Hosoma Chikako
Sleeping in a hostel
The language-exchange
My diary
The "International-Entrepreneurship-Club"
Kyoto University
A visit to a pug-café
A visit to the manga-museum
My first holiday
Mamiko Naito
Self-Made Ramen
Culture Day
That was Art-Rainbow 2019
What I eat in a day
Mach MIT
What happened until now...
Places I discovered
My internship at JARFO
The flight